What about shipyard?

The shipyard “Squalt marine international” specializes in:
- the construction of aluminum boats, among which are large to very large-sized cartamarans (from 43 to over 120 feet),
- the large fairings (refits) of beautiful pleasure boats (catamarans and monohulls) in aluminum, like in wood.
At the helm of Squalt marine international, Claude KERMOAL and a reinforced team, all members of which come from the shipbuilding industry on technical and logistical levels, with for some of the transversal skills essential (administration, marketing, management of projects, quality assurance, production management, waste management, etc.), put in place the new 2017-2022 vision and international development.
More than 30 years of experience
Claude KERMOAL has a double professional experience:
- BUILDER, with more than 17 large-sized catamarans of 64 to 82 feet (20 to 25 meters) in aluminum and 60 feet in resin glass composite,
- MANAGER of a charter fleet of six 72’ catamarans during 24 years in the west Indies, Caraîbes and Venezuela with unusual cruises.

Extracts from press magazines:
The shipyard “Squalt marine international”
The shipyard is thus organized to study, design and carry out on behalf of its customers (State agencies, companies, private individuals) large-sized pleasure catamarans and professional boats that are robust, durable and operable, of daily use in extreme conditions.
In the shipyard covered on more than 2,500 m², every boat is so designed and built:
according to precise specifications:
- Either Squalt marine international receives from its customers a specification for the construction of their ship,
- Either the shipyard accompanies them in the drafting of this document to meet the regulations in force, the type of use of the boat and the particular expectations of its customers.
in accordance with the highest professional standards.
From 2018, Squalt marine international is implementing a certification program, to reinforce the already established trust of its prospects and customers on the respect of the shipbuilding requirements in terms of management, quality, hygiene and safety, and protection of the environment.
In the following domains:
Deep-sea and coastal pleasure navigation
The distinction between offshore pleasure and coastal pleasure is made by different categories of navigation of pleasure craft:
- the distance to which a boat can move away from a shelter,
- their design,
- their armament, including security.
Maritime Transport
Squalt marine international is currently developing two projects:
- a cargo ship with sails,
- a catamaran for passenger transport.
Support of commercial and pleasure ports (marina)
Squalt marine international builds boats and industrial easements for these 2 types of ports.
Its customers are state agencies, private public works and maintenance companies using work barges or having to have dry docks for fairing.
Aquaculture and Fishing
Squalt marine international produces aluminum catamarans and monohulls adapted to the activities of aquaculture and fishing.
Documentation describing these boats will soon be online.
Squalt marine international’s ambition is to put its experience as a builder in the hands of scientific organizations for the realization of 24 to 36 meter aluminum catamarans, which would be dedicated to maritime ocean research missions.
Squalt marine international works closely with recognized naval architects, as with the renowned French Alumarine Shipyard. Alumarine Shipyard.
Squalt marine international presents a wide range of proposals, ranging from large to very large-sized catamarans (from 64 to over 120 feet) to catamarans for the transport of passengers and catamarans, as well as pilot boats for port services and dry goods. innovative docks (up to 400 tons of load) for companies specializing in boat maintenance and upkeep.
Contact us
Based on this very exceptional feedback on 30 years of construction and navigation, we used to say:
Having Squalt marine international as builder of his boat, it’s choosing the boat that you need!